As dancers, we know well that in order to stay in shape, we need to dance regularly and constantly develop ourselves. Today there are many different options for this. But have you thought about why it is beneficial to participate in belly dance workshops? Here are three reasons why you should do it:

1. You will become a better dancer

Whether the workshop is easy or difficult for you, in any case you will learn something new and become an even more skilled and confident dancer than you were before. Whether it's a new dance move or a whole choreography, new knowledge about music, its interpretation methods or dance pedagogy - everyone acquires a new skill or piece of knowledge that they did not have before.

2. You will fall in love with belly dancing again

Do you remember that feeling you had in your first year of belly dancing when everything was new and exciting and maybe a little scary? The same feeling overwhelms you in the workshop, where the dance-spark inside you starts to glow and you fall in love with belly dancing all over again, but maybe from a completely different angle!

3. Life becomes more beautiful

You know that feeling when you return home after a good holiday trip and life is a little brighter, lighter and happier than before? This is exactly the feeling you get after a workshop. A change of atmosphere, stepping outside the comfort zone and an adventure in a new but inspiring environment will later help you cope better with routine everyday life. Therefore, a belly dance workshop is like a good holiday trip - in anticipation of it you may feel slight fear and uncertainty, but afterwards you will be extremely happy and grateful to yourself that you decided to do it!

Take the opportunity to participate in the workshops of the Oriental Dance mini-Festival on 19-20 November 2022 - you can purchase the passes here.